Real-time measurements of cell proliferation

Real-Time Measurements of Cell Proliferation using a Lab-on-CMOS Capacitance Sensor Array

B. Senevirathna, S. Lu, M. Dandin, J. Basile, E. Smela, and P. Abshire, “Real-Time Measurements of Cell Proliferation using a Lab-on-CMOS Capacitance Sensor Array,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 510–520, Jun. 2018. [Online Article]
Real-time measurements of cell proliferation

We describe a capacitance sensor array that has been incorporated into a lab-on-CMOS system for applications in monitoring cell viability. This paper presents analyticalmodels, calibration results, and measured experimental results of the biosensor. The sensor has been characterized and exhibits a sensitivity of 590 kHz/fF. We report results from benchtop tests and in vitro experiments demonstrating on-chip tracking of cell adhesion as well as monitoring of cell viability. Human ovarian cancer cells were cultured on chip, and measured capacitance responses were validated by comparison with images from photomicrographs of the chip surface. Analysis was performed to quantify cell proliferation and adhesion, and responses to live cells were estimated to be 100 aF/cell.